Thursday, June 22, 2006

Four Color Commentary - Books Shipped 6-14-06

Once again I haven't had time to read and comment on the books so rather than fall further behind, here is a list of what I bought last week. I am hoping to catch up this weekend. Have fun!

52 Week 6

Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka, and Mark Waid, Writers
Keith Giffen, Art Breakdowns
Joe Bennett, Penciller
Ruy Jose, Inker

Annihilation: Super-Skrull #3 (of 4)
Javier Grillo-Marxuach, Writer
Greg Titus, Artist

Checkmate #3
Greg Rucka, Writer
Cliff Richards, Penciller
Bob Wiacek & Steve Bird, Inkers

Crisis Aftermath: The Battle for Bludhaven #5 (of 6)
Justin Gray & Jimmy Palmiotti, Writers
Gordon Purcell & Jimmy Palmiotti, Artists

DMZ #8
Brian Wood, Writer
Riccardo Burchielli, Artist

Exiles #82
Tony Bedard, Writer
J. Calafiore, Penciller
Mark McKenna, Inker

Ex Machina Sepcial #2 (of 2)
Brian K. Vaughn, Writer
Chris Sprouse, Penciller
Karl Story, Inker

Fables #50
Bill Willingham, Writer
Mark Buckingham, Penciller
Steve Leialoha & Andrew Pepoy, Inkers

Green Arrow #63
Judd Winick, Writer
Scott McDaniel, Penciller
Andy Owens, Inker

Green Lantern Corps #1
Dave Gibbons, Writer
Patrick Gleason, Penciller
Prentis Rollins, Inker

JLA Classified #22
Steve Englehart, Writer
Tom Derenick, Penciller
Mark Farmer, Inker

Legends of the Dark Knight #207
Bruce Jones, Writer
Ariel Olivetti, Artist

Nightwing #121
Bruce Jones, Writer
Paco Diaz, Penciller
Bit and Nathan Massengill, Inkers

Red Sonja/Claw #4 (of 4)
John Layman, Writer
Andy Smith, Artist

Squadron Supreme #4
J. Michael Straczynski, Writer
Gary Frank, Penciller
Jonathan Sibal, Inker

Supermarket #3
Brian Wood, Writer
Kristian, Artist

Ursa Minors! #1
Neil Kleid, Writer
Fernando Pinto, Artist

Wolverine Origins #3
Daniel Way, Writer
Steve Dillon, Artist

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