Tuesday, May 08, 2007

YouTubesday: Midget Madness!

From the phat rappin' skillz of Joe C., with his memorable lyric "three foot nine with a ten foot dick" from Kid Rock's "Devil Without a Cause" to the jackassery of Wee-Man and Verne Troyer's memorable turn as Mini-Me in the Austin Powers franchise, the midget sidekick has made quite the comeback in the past decade. Now, thanks to the CHUDs, Claytonian over at JapanProbe, and the magic of the internets we can celebrate a pioneer in the field, the original lil' flip, Weng Weng.

This video is made up of footage from 1981's "For Your Height Only" and 1982's "The Impossible Kid," a pair of movies parodying the James Bond flicks, in which Weng Weng portrays Interpol Agent 00. I am sure it comes as no surprise to anyone reading this that both these movies have been added to my collection. Now lets kick back and enjoy the supreme awesome that is Weng Weng as he...

Dispatches a bunch of samurai-sword wielding thugs:

Employs his poison darts:

Just kicks ass:

And kicks even more ass:

Weng Weng. He may have only been two-foot-nine but he was ten feet of kick ass!

As a short post-script to this week's YouTubacualr celebration of the wee-man in all of us I would just like to take a moment to point out that this is Verne Troyer's ex-wife:

Her name is Genevive Gallen and you can see more of her here. I am so in the wrong business...and about three-and-a-half feet too tall.

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