Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Reading in the New Year

On the heels of yesterday's massive book review post I thought it might be fitting to share with you guys the list of books I have to read in 2008. Lets start with the books I have already started reading:
And here are to books on the to be read shelf:
And now we will finish up this list with the books I received for Christmas:
Of course throughout the year other books will join these. I know both Barry Eisler and Alan Furst have novels coming out in 2008. Recent acquaintance Glenn E. Smith's first novel The Call of Duty is on the must read very soon list as is Wil Wheaton's The Happiest Days of Our Lives and a couple of Star Trek: S.C.E. omnibus editions which include stories by another recent acquaintance and Star Trek New Voyages screenwriter Dave Galanter.

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