Friday, January 04, 2008

Torchwood Season 2

As much as I have enjoyed the abbreviated seasons of Chuck and Life, I think my favorite new TV show of this season was Torchwood. This show has had me thinking about things and scribbling in notebooks. About the only complaint I have about the first season is that it was, as most British shows are, short, in this case thirteen episodes instead of the 20+ to which we are accustom. Except when a WGA strike curtails the season or a show is on Fox. Thus I was very happy to learn that the new season of Torchwood will begin airing on January 26th. This comes as a relief as there seems to be about a year delay between shows airing in the UK and the US, and vice versa. Below are two previews, a short one and then a longer preview.

Now if only I could get the fifth and sixth seasons of MI-5, aka Spooks, over here life would be good. Of course the fifth season comes out on DVD on Tuesday, so there it is.

1 comment:

Shirley said...

Nice blog you have, thanks for posting