Saturday, September 03, 2005

Links II - Electric Boogaloo

Well, it has been over a month since I updated my links section of the ol' blog, so I thought I would go ahead and add a couple more to the blog roll and continue to put off putting any other links in here for at least another week. Anyways, the three newest members of my blog roll are:
  1. Garrulous? This is from a high school friend of mine who recently discovered the Opiate of the Masses and started to email me. In one of his emails he stated that he desired to start writing again and I not to gently encouraged him to start. Thus his blog was born. In his first post he asks the most important question about writing, "When do the royalties start pouring in, Wood?" Let me assure you Jack, they don't. You have to make all your money on the up front sale since everybody and their brother gets a piece of the action on the back end. The advance is where the writer makes the lion share of the money, well that and appearance fees, if you can command a decent price on the lecture circuit. (Oh, and for those of you who are wondering, according to garrulous means given to excessive and often trivial or rambling talk; tiresomely talkative. I guess it could have been a REALLY good name for this blog, damn you Jack.)
  2. Sun of Gelatometti. I am fascinated by the rare opportunity to glimpse the life of a person whose work I admire and respect, and this blog offers me that opportunity in spades. The Sun of Gelatometti is ostensibly Jim Lee's blog, however he shares it with several other artists, all of whom post fairly regularly and often offer some insist into the pieces they are sharing with us. Why, you might ask, would I care about Jim Lee? Who is this Jim Lee character anyways? Well, when I started reading comics again back in the mid 90s, Jim Lee and the whole Image (there is also an interesting article here) crew were just hitting their stride. Since then he has become one of my favorite comic book artists, particularly his work on the "Hush" story in the Batman comics.
  3. Fanboy Rampage. This guy does an amazing job of surfing the comic-related news and discussion sites and then shares it here. I don't know what else to say except that I have seen comments from several high-profile comics creators on the site AND the comments range from the sublime to the ridiculously off-topic and funny.
Once again I promise to add more links, primarily non-blog links, in the near future, but till then, I hope you guys have fun with this. Now I am off to fight this cold. Grrr.

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